Love - Inspiration - Light - Insight - Willpower - All together

Together, not against each other. Sympathy, not fear. Truthfulness, not ideologies. Respect, not outlawing. Peace of heart.

LILIWA is not a religious or ideological association, and does not pursue financial or political interests.

The main aim of the initiative is to strengthen compassion, lovin kindness and understanding, to overcome division and social exclusion within ourselves and our surroundings at a time when division and hatred are increasing and social exclusion is more and more accepted.

It is about developing peace in our hearts and overcoming resentment. If we want to be accepted by those who think differently, we should begin with accepting others ourselves. We should not blame others but strengthen the good ourselves.

We call on everyone to pray, meditate, pause, reflect together, if possible, every day between 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. and/or between 10:00 and 10:15 p.m. Each one in their own way, but all with the same purpose: to strengthen love and light in one's own heart and to send it out into the world.

Why at a fixed time?

Thoughts and feelings are energetic processes. And energetic processes radiate. This is true not only for light and warmth, but also for mental and emotional processes. If many people cultivate and send out a similar type of energy at the same time, this does not remain without effect. There are many scientific studies about this. Of course, it is also good to do something individually, at different times, but the effect of bundling is incomparably stronger than the sum of many dispersed individual actions.

If this becomes international, other time zones will join, and so an hourly rhythm can develop in which thousands and thousands of people strengthen this world with positive vibrations.

And if you don't believe in this effect, you can still participate! Because one thing is for sure: Such a practice definitely changes our own heart, strengthens our own wholesome qualities, and thus also changes how we approach and react to other people.

Be part of it – for a brighter, more loving world!                                                                                                                                                   (Translation: Jobst Heitzig)

Liebe Licht Wachheit, Love Inspiration, Light, Insight, Willpower, All together, weltweit, Meditieren, beten, Jesus, Buddha, Frieden, Liebe, Gerechtigkeit, Leben in Respekt, alle zusammen, Friedensinitiative,  respect, peace,

Metta Meditation, loving kindness meditation, liebende Güte, beten für den Frieden, meditieren für den Frieden, Herzensfrieden, peace of heart, Wahrhaftigkeit, Mindfulness, LILIWA, Truthfulness, Hopi Indians, Hopi Indianer